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Antivirus Software

LICENSE|Virus Alerts

Download the virus software to a directory on your PC by clicking on the "SAVE AS" button when windows prompts you to.  Once the file is on your PC just go to the directory where you saved it and click on the file to install.

Monthly update files for the McAfee antivirus software.

Download the pkunzip software for zipped files.

dat-3011.zip McAfee Monthly Signature Update (to be used with v3.x) PKZIP format
(1.17MB) 10/28/97


scni303I.zip Dos Viruscan McAfee Antivirus v3.03 Self-extracting/ installing program (918,252 bytes) 9/3/97

McWin3.zip Windows 3.x McAfee Antivirus version (3,120,471 bytes) 9/2/97

Or, to make installation diskettes, download the below zipped files and unzip them onto diskettes.

wsc311l1.zipVirusScan disk1 of 2, 1.3 MBytes

wsc311l2.zipVirusScan disk2 of 2, 1.2 MBytes

Windows 95 VERSION

McW95.zip Self Extracting/Installing McAfee for Windows95 (4.92MB) 9/29/97

Or, to make installation diskettes, download the below zipped files and unzip them onto diskettes.

diskette 1 of 4 Version 3.11, 1.2 MBytes

diskette 2 of 4 Version 3.11, 1.4 MBytes

diskette 3 of 4 Version 3.11, 1.4 MBytes

diskette 4 of 4Version 3.11, 0.5 MBytes


McNTWK.zip Self Extracting/Installing McAfee Intel Workstation for Windows NT (3.52MB) 9/29/97

Or, to make installation diskettes, download the below zipped files and unzip them onto diskettes.

VirusScan 1 of 3 version 3.031.2 MBytes

VirusScan 2 of 3 version 3.03 1.2 Mbytes

VirusScan 3 of 3 version 3.03 0.7 Mbytes

nnti303l.zip Self Extracting/Installing McAfee Intel Server for Windows NT (3,456,991 bytes) 9/2/97

Or, to make installation diskettes, download the below zipped files and unzip them onto diskettes.

Netshield Disk1 of 3

Netshield Disk2 of 3

Netshield Disk3 of 3

NOVELL Netware

McNW.zip Netshield for Netware (4,010,939 bytes) 9/2/97

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