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Filename Size File Description
Install IE 5.0 Run (no Save) Install (or Upgrade to ) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
IE 5.0 128-bit Update Run (no Save) Update MS Internet Explorer 5.0 to 128-bit security
unzip.exe 117,248 32-bit Windows Unzipper (handles long file names)
ar405eng.exe Run (no Save) Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05
hpjanten.exe Run (no Save) Install HP Jet Admin to C:, reboot, run C:\English\setup
wsftp.zip 297,877 Windows File Transfer Utility
tera-dir.zip 458,462 Tera Term terminal access to HP-APPS, SARSS, etc.
ZIPIT.EXE Run (No Save) Install Windowing 32-bit Self-Extract Zipper (freeware)
Windows NT files:  Files/utilities/updates specifically made for Windows NT